Greenville Accident Lawyer
Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Motorcycle accident injuries can result in permanent physical disability and financial devastation. These are common accidents, caused by crowded roads, distracted drivers, and a failure to yield on the part of other vehicles. Because of the nature of motorcycles, the injuries are often more tragic, deadly, and/or disabling for the rider. While you may be held partially responsible if you are injured while not wearing a helmet in a motorcycle accident, you may still be able to receive compensation for your injuries based on South Carolina’s comparative negligence system. You would be wise to seek legal representation from an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer at H Groves Law to discuss your motorcycle accident injuries.
Truck Accident Injuries
Commercial vehicle and trucking accidents in Greenville SC frequently cause catastrophic injuries and death because of the gargantuan size of these commercial vehicles and large trucks in comparison to other vehicles on the road. Trucking accidents can be the cause of horrific injuries and damages. If you are suffering from injuries caused by a trucking accident, contact an experienced trucking accident lawyer at H Grove Law to determine whether you have a claim for trucking accident injuries.

There are also specific implications, documents, and processes involved with these types of trucking accidents so that it is in your best interests to have an experienced accident lawyer on your side to sort through the complexities of a commercial vehicle accident. For example, commercial truck drivers are required to adhere to special regulations regarding their hours on the road, their maintenance records, etc. Any negligence, misconduct, or recklessness can greatly affect your claim.
Pedestrian Accident Injuries
Greenville Pedestrian and bicycle accidents are most often caused when drivers are not paying attention to non-vehicle entities on the road. Very serious injuries often result as pedestrians and bicyclists are thrown from the impact of heavy motor vehicle collisions with virtually no protection. It is important to understand that pedestrians and bicyclists have rights and responsibilities on the roads, like any driver, and a Greenville pedestrian accident lawyer can fight to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve after a pedestrian accident or if you were involved in a bicycle accident, please contact one of our bicycle accident lawyers in Greenville, SC immediately to discuss the merits of your case.
Consult with a Greenville Car Accident Attorney
If you have suffered from accident injuries after being in a motorcycle, commercial truck, or car accident that was not your fault, then you deserve compensation for your medical expenses. A Greenville car accident lawyer will review your case to determine the best step forward, whether that is for you to seek a settlement or take your case to court. Call a car accident lawyer Greenville SC today.